Quality Guarantee

Tik Precision is committed to supplying quality parts that meet and exceed customer expectations. Through joint efforts of all teammates, we integrate quality control into every step of production.

Strict Quality Control

Bearing the importance of quality in mind, so we put quality first. We implement strict quality control into every process of production, from material selection to final inspection.Tik precision make every effort to ensure the quality of our parts and continually improve our quality system to achieve our customers satisfaction.

To ensure our parts are always manufactured from high quality materials, we maintain strong relationships with selected suppliers. As a result, we always have access to the highest quality raw material, even in urgent situations where procurement time is tight. We have zero tolerance  when it comes to quality.

Accelerate your projects while maintaining premium quality.

Advanced Testing Equipment

Our leading-edge QC department owns comprehensive advanced equipment and systems to ensure the highest precision and overall quality.






Rockwell Hardness Tester